Saprea and Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN) have partnered up in the battle against child sexual abuse. Saprea and SWAN are working together to provide information and tools to parents and caretakers to protect the children of our heroes and provide healing services to all service women and women veterans who have been impacted by child sexual abuse.

Saprea services are now available on SWAN’s resource portal below.

Saprea Support Groups

Saprea Support Groups are led by survivors, for survivors. Saprea has identified some best practices and guidelines to ensure that, when followed, support groups offer emotional safety, confidentiality, and create the optimal environment for healing. Saprea’s clinically informed activities and resources, all of which have been reviewed by Saprea’s team of licensed therapists, are a great springboard for survivors to understand trauma and its impacts on the brain and body.

There is something powerful about a group of individuals with shared experience and motivation coming together to build a community. Great things can happen when people experience safety of understanding, support, and a desire for growth. That is exactly the type of experience Saprea wants survivors to find in a survivor led Saprea Support Group.

Saprea Retreat

The Saprea Retreat is a free, clinically informed four-day experience followed by a self-guided online course for adult women who were sexually abused at or before the age of 18. The retreat is led by an experienced team of licensed therapists and case managers who are eager to help survivors heal. The retreat teaches survivors about the impacts of trauma, provides opportunities to apply healing tools, and builds a community of support. The subsequent online course builds upon that foundation for deeper understanding and application of healing principles.

Thanks to the generosity of Saprea’s founders and donors, survivors participate in the Saprea Retreat at no cost (includes food, location, and services). Participants are only responsible for travel to and from the pick-up locations for the in-person experience. The Saprea Retreat is hosted in two locations: Utah and Georgia, and participants can choose their preferred location.

Saprea Prevention Resources

As a parent, you want the best for your child. There are many things you can do to create a safe environment for your children. Saprea knows that it can feel overwhelming, especially if you or someone you love was abused as a child. Saprea is here to help parents and caregivers learn and proactively apply researched-based best practices to reduce the risk of sexual abuse happening to the children they love. Learn more about Saprea’s free prevention resources.

Saprea Online Healing Resources

Survivors can learn healthy coping strategies which empower them to reduce trauma symptoms, experience growth, and significantly improve the quality of their lives.

Using content and strategies from the Saprea Retreat, Saprea has created a library of research-based online resources to help survivors of child sexual abuse address symptoms that may be associated with their trauma. Using three healing practices of Acknowledgement, Mindfulness, and Aspiration as springboards, Saprea has practical, applicable tools that survivors can integrate into their already busy life. Healing is possible, one day at a time.

Saprea Healing Webinar

The Saprea Healing Webinar is a free 4.5-hour interactive educational online experience designed to help adult female survivors who were sexually abused at or before the age of 18 jumpstart their healing from home.

The webinar is led by a clinical therapist who specializes in trauma recovery, along with a co-teacher. Survivors will have the opportunity to participate in classes, engage in group discussions, mindfully connect with their body, and build community with other survivors.