SWAN Research
SWAN facilitates progress through research. Since 2016, SWAN has conducted original research on a variety of topics. Findings from the research is used to highlight the needs of service women and women veterans. Our research has been used to influence policy and to legislate change.
DOD Report on SAPRO
Annual Report on Sexual Harassment and Violence at the Military Service Academies, Academic Program Year 2020-2021
“The Department made progress in reducing sexual assault between 2012 and 2014 at the academies, however sexual assault prevalence increased between 2014 and 2018”
Women in the Military
Women in the Military: Where They Stand (10th Edition; 2019)
“In 2019, SWAN published the tenth edition of “Women in the Military: Where They Stand.” The booklet provides information, statistics, and status updates on women in the U.S. military. It is our most-cited original work.
Combat Ground Integration
Report on SAS-137 Research Symposium on Integration of Women Into Ground Combat Units
In 2019, SWAN CEO Ellen Haring, served as a technical evaluator during the Integration of Women into Combat Units Research Symposium. Her report summarizes the main findings from the symposium.
Reproductive Health
Center for Reproductive Rights: Serving Those Who Serve? Access to IVF for Servicemembers and Veterans
“Servicemembers and veterans appear to face high rates of infertility. Unfortunately, limited information, restrictive laws and policies, high cost, and other barriers put the infertility care they need, out of reach for many.
Mental Health
+ SWAN 2017 Report Mental Wellness: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Solutions
“SWAN’s 2017 Annual Summit focus was: “Mental Wellness: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Solutions.” The Summit examined mental wellness along the continuum of active duty to veteran status. A subsequent report was published, “Mental Wellness Needs: Community Driven Solutions”. The report analyzes data from a national survey of about 1,300 service women and women veterans, and from focus groups of military women facilitated by an advisory committee of ten researchers and experts from universities across the country, who gathered in D.C. in November during SWAN’s second annual summit. See the full report below, as well as accompanying materials and data gathered during the Summit.
SWAN Reports
In addition to research surrounding SWAN’s key legislative priorities, we also publish a “Year In Review” to provide a consolidated look at our organization’s accomplishments for each calendar year. Read through our reports to see how we’ve evolved.
SWAN’s 2022 Year in Review
“In 2022, our work centered on four major goals, derived from the three focus areas outlined in our mission as well as our commitment to developing a wellsustained organization in order to maximize our impact.”
SWAN’s 2021 Year in Review
“In 2021, our work centered on four major goals, derived from the three focus areas outlined in our mission as well as our commitment to developing a well-sustained organization in order to maximize our impact”
SWAN’s 2019 Year in Review
“In 2019, SWAN was featured in the news, educated Congressional leaders on Capitol Hill, managed cases for service women and women veterans, hosted three social events, published three reports, and experienced a change in leadership.”
SWAN’s 2019 Year in Review
“New Community partners in 2020 included corporate and small business partners, charitable foundations, individual litigators who provided pro bono legal services to SWAN members, governmental organizations like Veteran Service Organizations”
SWAN’s 2018 Year in Review
“In 2018, SWAN was featured in the news, educated Congressional leaders on Capitol Hill, managed cases for service women and women veterans, created the Military Women’s Coalition, launched an online resource portal, and published two reports.